Humankaryotype, chromosomes are divided into how many groups?
In a human karyotype, chromosomes are conventionally divided into 7 groups (A-G) based on their size and centromere position, along with the sex chromosomes (X and Y).
- These groups are formed based on the appearance of chromosomes under a microscope, particularly their size and the position of the centromere, which is the constricted region that holds sister chromatids together.
- Group A (1-3): Large metacentric chromosomes.
- Group B (4-5): Large submetacentric chromosomes.
- Group C (6-12, X): Medium-sized submetacentric chromosomes.
- Group D (13-15): Medium-sized acrocentric chromosomes.
- Group E (16-18): Short submetacentric chromosomes.
- Group F (19-20): Short metacentric chromosomes.
- Group G (21-22): Small acrocentric chromosomes.