Edexcel A Level Biology Questions and Answers - Advanced Biochemistry, Microbiology and Genetics


Edexcel A Level Biology Questions and Answers - Advanced Biochemistry, Microbiology and Genetics

1. The venom from some species of snake contains enzymes that affect the blood clotting process. 

 (i) Which is a correct statement about enzymes? 

A)  enzymes decrease the activation energy of metabolic reactions and decrease reaction time 

 B) enzymes decrease the activation energy of metabolic reactions and increase reaction time 

 C) enzymes increase the activation energy of metabolic reactions and decrease reaction time

 D) enzymes increase the activation energy of metabolic reactions and increase reaction time

(ii) Which components of the blood clotting process are active enzymes? 

 A) fibrin and thrombin 

 B) fibrinogen and thrombin

 C) fibrinogen and thromboplastin 

 D) thrombin and thromboplastin


(i) Which bond is labelled Z?

 A) glycosidic 

 B) hydrogen 

 C) peptide 

 D) phosphodiester

(ii)  Which of the following base sequences is the mRNA code for proline? 

 A)  A A T

 B) C C A 

 C) C C T 

 D) C C U 

(iii) Which of the following base sequences is the DNA code for proline? 

 A) A C C

 B) C C A 

 C) G G T

 D) U G G

3. (a) Rhithrogena germanica is commonly known as the March brown mayfly. 


 The classification hierarchy for this mayfly is: 






 Rhithrogena germanica 

 (i) State the genus of this mayfly.---------------

 (ii) This mayfly belongs to the phylum Arthropoda. Which is the order for this mayfly? 

A) Animalia 

 B) Ephemeropteroidea 

 C) Heptageniidae 

 D) Insecta

4. The enzyme used to monitor the purification of mitochondria is succinate dehydrogenase. This enzyme is involved in the Krebs cycle and converts succinate into fumarate in this reaction.

A) hydrolysed 


 C) phosphorylated

 D) reduced

5. Salmonella are Gram negative bacteria found in the large intestine of humans.

 (a) Which is the correct statement about Salmonella?

A) Salmonella has a thick peptidoglycan cell wall and produces endotoxins

B) Salmonella has a thick peptidoglycan cell wall and produces exotoxins

 C) Salmonella has a thin peptidoglycan cell wall and produces endotoxins

 D) Salmonella has a thin peptidoglycan cell wall and produces exotoxins


1. (i) A)  enzymes decrease the activation energy of metabolic reactions and decrease reaction time 

(ii)  D) thrombin and thromboplastin

2. i) B) hydrogen   ii)  B) C C A  iii)  C) G G T

3. i) Rhithrogena   ii) B) Ephemeropteroidea 

4.  B )oxidised 

5.  C) Salmonella has a thin peptidoglycan cell wall and produces endotoxins

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