HomeLife Science Practice Test Nitrogen Metabolism Practice Test 1.The bacteria responsible for nodulation in stems and root of sesbania rostrata? Frankia Azotobacterc Azorhyzobium Bradyhyzobium 2.Free-living nitrogen fixers can survive in different ecological niches. Identify the incorrect combination from the following list: Azotobacter-Acidic soil Deraxia-Alkaline soil Bejernckia-acid soil Frankia -Neutral soil 3.Which one of the folowing combinations of nodulation (nod) genes are found in all rhizobial starins nodA, nodB, and nodC nodP, nodQ, and nodH nodF, nodE, and nodL nodA, nodE, and nodL Practice More: MCQ on Immunology 4.Which of the following domains is present in symbiosis recptor like kinase (SYMRK) proteins Nucleotide binding repeat leucine rich repeat region NAC domain W-box Immunology Videos 5.Major transport of nitrogen in xylem sap is in the form of Glutamate Asparagine Glutamine Ammonia Score = Correct answers: Practice more: CSIR JRF NET Life Science Practice Test | Cell communication and Cell Signaling Tags: Life Science Practice Test PLANT PHYSIOLOGY Plant Physiology Practice Test Facebook Twitter