10 Types of Microscopes used in Biological Science

What is a Microscope?

A microscope is an instrument used to view objects or specimens that are too small to be seen with the naked eye. It uses lenses or a series of lenses to magnify the image of the object, allowing us to see details that would otherwise be invisible.

Microscopes come in many types and sizes, from simple handheld magnifying glasses to complex electron microscopes used to see the ultrastructure of the cell.

In this post let us discuss ten microscopes used in biological science.

10 Types of Microscopes

Types of Microscope used in Biology

1. Simple Microscope

  • uses a single convex lens to magnify an object.
  • It includes magnifying glasses and dissection microscope used to study the morphology of plants and animals


  • Low magnification Only
  • used to see morphology because of low magnification.
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2. Compound Microscope

A compound microscope is an optical instrument that uses two or more lenses to magnify small objects.

How Compound Microscope works?

It consists of an objective lens and an eyepiece lens that work together to produce a magnified image of the specimen. The objective lens is located close to the specimen and produces a real, inverted image, which is then magnified by the eyepiece lens. The magnification of a compound microscope is the product of the magnifications of the objective and eyepiece lenses.

  • Maximum magnification is 1000 X. Compound microscopes are commonly used in biology to observe cells, bacteria etc.


  • Thin stained section required
  • Low resolution and image contrast
  • Cannot observe live specimens
  • Maximum Magnification 1000X

3. Dark field microscope

  • A dark field microscope produces a bright image of the specimen against a dark background.
  • used for observing live, unstained biological specimens.
How Dark field microscope works?

The dark field technique works by illuminating the specimen with a cone of light that is directed at an angle, causing light to scatter off the specimen and enter the objective lens at an oblique angle. This scattered light is then magnified to produce a bright image against a dark background.

  • Dark field microscopy is commonly used in microbiology to visualize bacteria, parasites, and other transparent microorganisms.


  • Limited to viewing transparent specimen
  • Cannot view stained specimen
  • Cannot view thick specimen

4. Phase contrast microscope

  • A phase contrast microscope is a type of microscope that enhances the contrast of transparent and colorless samples.
  • view live specimens with low contrast by amplifying differences in refractive index.
How Phase contrast microscope works?

2 specific microscope components are condenser annulus and objective phase plate to create a phase shift of light that results in an image with greater contrast. The phase plate converts the phase shift into an intensity shift, which is then detected by the microscope's objective lens and converted into contrast that enhances the visibility of the specimen's features.

It was invented by Dutch physicist Frits Zernike in the 1930s


  • Low resolution
  • Causes halo effect

5. Differential Interference Contrast Microscope

  • also called as Nomarski microscopy
  • used to observe high contrast images of live transparent samples

How DIC Microscope works?

It works by transforming differences in the refractive index of the specimen into contrast variations. It works by splitting a polarized light beam into two beams that pass through the sample at slightly different angles, creating interference patterns resulting in a 3D-like image with high resolution and clarity.


  • 3D image may not be accurate
  • More expensive

6. Fluorescence Microscope

  • Used to view fluorescently-labeled live specimens in high contrast.

How Fluorescence Microscope Works?

It uses fluorescence to produce an image. It works by exciting fluorescent molecules in a sample with a specific wavelength of light, causing them to emit light of a different wavelength. The emitted light is then detected by the microscope and used to generate an image with high spatial resolution.

  • Widely used to see specific cell structures or proteins


  • Need for fluorescent tagging of specimens
  • expensive
    Fluorescence Microscope and confocal microscope difference

7. Confocal Microscope

A specific fluorescent microscope that allows obtaining 3D images of the live sample in real time with good resolution.

How Confocal Microscope Works?

It uses a laser to illuminate the specimen and a pinhole to eliminate out-of-focus light. This creates a sharper, clearer image with greater depth resolution than traditional fluorescence microscopes.


  • limited number of excitation wavelengths available with common lasers
  • Expensive
  • need for fluorescent tagging of specimens.

8. Scanning Electron Microscopes

  • Scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) are powerful tools used to obtain high-resolution images of the surfaces of solid objects.
How SEM works?

They work by scanning a beam of electrons over the surface of the sample, which interacts with the atoms and produces signals that are used to generate an image. In SEM, scattered secondary electrons are used to generate an image.

  • View and analyze surfaces at high magnification by scanning a focused beam of electrons over the surface of a sample.
  • magnifying samples up to 2 million times with high depth of focus
  • Less expensive than TEM


  • cannot view living specimens
  • Low resolution
  • Skilled operators
  • Expensive

9. Transmission Electron microscopes

Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) are powerful tools used to observe the ultrastructure of cells and tissues at high magnifications and resolutions.

How TEM works?

TEMs use a beam of electrons to illuminate a thin sample, the transmitted primary electrons is used to generate an image of high magnification and resolution.

  • Subcellular components such as organelles, viruses, and macromolecules.
  • 10-50 million times magnification


  • Require extremely thin samples
  • Cannot view living specimens (less than 150nm)
  • Skilled operators, Expensive

SEM and TEM difference
10. Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope

  • A scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) is a type of electron microscope that is a combination of SEM and TEM. 
  • The STEM works by passing a beam of electrons through a thin sample, which then scatters the electrons and produces an image.
  • TEM is updated to STEM by an addition of a system that scans a focused beam across the specimen to form the image.
  • produce high-resolution images of thin samples


  • Require thin samples
  • Sensitivity to contamination
  • Skilled operators
  • Expensive
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