CSIR Life sciences Animal Developmental Biology Questions (Unit 5- Developmental Biology)

Questions includes: Basic concepts of development, Gametogenesis, fertilization and early development, Morphogenesis and organogenesis in animals 

1. In chick, development of wing feather, thigh feather and claws depends on epithelial specificity conferred by induction from mesenchymal components from different sources of the dermins. This may be attributed to? (CSIR Life Sciences Dec, 2015)
1. Autocrine interaction
2. Regional specificity of induction
3. Receptor activation by hormones
4. Inactivation of genetic interaction
 Ans: 2. Regional specificity of induction
2. Alveolar cells of the lung arise from which one of the following layer(s)? (CSIR Life Sciences Dec, 2015)
1. Mesoderm
2. Endoderm
3. Ectoderm
4. Both ectoderm and endoderm
 Ans: 2. Endoderm
3. Migration of individual cells from the surface into the embryo’s interior is termed as (CSIR Life Sciences Dec, 2015)
1. ingression
2. involution
3. invagination
4. Delamination
 Ans: 1. ingression
4. Bones of vertebrates are derived from embryonic (CSIR Life Sciences June, 2016)
1. ectoderm
2. epiderm
3. mesoderm
4. Endoderm
 Ans: 3. mesoderm
5. During development, if a cell has committed to a particular fate, it is said to be  (CSIR Life Sciences June, 2016)
1. pluripotent
2. totipotent
3. determined 
4. Differentiated
 Ans: 3. determined 
CSIR Life sciences Animal Developmental Biology Questions

6. The initial dorsal-ventral axis in amphibian embryos is determined by  (CSIR Life Sciences June, 2016)
1. the point of sperm entry.
2. gravity.
3. the point of contact with the uterus.
4. genetic differences in the cells.
 Ans: 1. the point of sperm entry.
7. Apical ectodermal ridge induction is essential for tetrapod limb development. Which one of the following is NOT essential for the formation of a functional limb? (CSIR Life Sciences June, 2016)
1. Tbx genes and Wnt
2. Androsterone
3. Apoptotic genes
4. Fibroblast growth factor

 Ans:2. Androsterone
8. Certain proteins or mRNAs that are regionally localized within the unfertilized egg and regulate development are called  (CSIR Life Sciences June, 2016)
1. gene regulators.
2. morphometric determinants.
3. cytoplasmic determinants. 
4. mosaic forming factors.
Ans: 3. cytoplasmic determinants. 
9. Cell to cell communication is important in development of an organism. The ability of cells to respond to a specific inductive signal is called  (CSIR Life Sciences June, 2016)
1. Regional specificity of induction
2. Competence
3. Juxtracrine signalling
4. Instructive interaction
Ans:2. Competence


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  1. Nice stuff.....plz upload more questions from 2017 and 18....

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