Once you named an organism you have
to assign an appropriate position in a systematic frame work of classification.
This frame work is called taxonomic hierarchy by which the taxonomic groups are
arranged in a definite order from higher to lower categories. Each category in
the hierarchy is considered as a taxonomic unit and is known as taxon.
- The categories used in the classification of animals are
- BE4U TIPS : King Philip Came Over For Good Spinach
- These categories are ranked on above the other, called Hierarchy.
- Kingdom is the highest and species is the lowest category in this hierarchy.
Taxonomic Hierarchy of Animals
Example : Human (Scientific name: Homo sapiens)
Taxonomic position of Human
- Kingdom - Animalia
- Phylum- Chordata
- Class- Mammalia
- Order - Primates
- Family- Hominidae
- Genus- Homo
- Species- sapiens

human taxonomy chart
IGCSE Biology
IGCSE Biology Notes
Notes on Taxonomic Hierarchy
The Taxonomic Hierarchy