1. Name the toxin produced by Bacillus thuringiensis that kill larvae of insects
8. What is the morphology of potato?
a) Dry Protein2. Programmed cell death is called
b) Cry protein
c) Bacillin
d) Coumarin
a) Apoptosis3. How many polypeptide chains are present in Rubisco
b) Lysis
c) Apoplast
d) Symplast
a) 104. Mineral element present in middle lamellae is
b) 14
c) 16
d) 18
a) Cu5. The name auxin was coined by
b) Ca
c) P
d) Zn
a) Went6. Who proposed mass flow hypothesis
b) Skoog
c) Kurasowa
d) Biggins
a) Curtis7. Which is the sunshine vitamin?
b) Munch
c) J.C. Bose
d) Dixon and Jolly
a) Vitamin D
b) Vitamin A
c) Vitamin C
d) Vitamin E
8. What is the morphology of potato?
a) Root tuber9. Which of the following is a gaseous plant regulator
b) stem tuber
c) Fruit
d) Bulb
a) ABA10. Gooseberry belongs to the family
b) GA
c) Kinetin
d) Ethylene
a) LycopersicumFor more Biology Multiple Choice Questions
b) Amaranthus
c) Pedialnthus
d) Lycopersicum
1. b) Cry protein
2. a) Apoptosis
3. c) 16
4.b) Ca
5. a) Went
6. b) Munch
7.a) Vitamin D
8. b) stem tuber
9. d) Ethylene
10. b) Amaranthus