Stress hormone
- Chemically: dextro rotatory cis-sesquiterpene
- Active form of ABA (+) cis ABA & (+)-2-trans ABA
Abscisic acid (ABA) which regulates flowering in Arabidopsis |
Mevalonic acid or xanthophylls like violaxanthin
Major effects
Stress response: water stress increases ABA production
that initially induce stomatal closure and later increases water holding
capacity of root tissues and promotes root growth and inhibits shoot growth.
Maintains seed dormancy
Promotes abscission and senescence
Incorrectly named, not related to abscission, ethylene is the hormone that is directly involved in abscission. ABA promotes abscission.
Important in water stress and other stresses
Causes stomatal closure
Prevents premature germination of seeds
Changes gene expression patterns
Abscisic acid
abscisic acid function
Major effects of ABA
Mevalonic acid
plant hormone
precursor of ABA
Stress hormone