1. Discuss the structural features of
nitrogenase complex.
What is the mechanism by which it
reduces atmospheric nitrogen?
How is this biologically fixed
nitrogen assimilated by diazotrophs?
2. Illustrate
a)Antisense RNA technology has been
used for crop improvement
b)Heterologous gene transfer has been
used to confer: resistance to insects
3. a)Describe the mechanism of
action of enzymes with particular reference to chymotrypsin.
b) How do the allosteric enzymes
count their regulatory action?
4. a) What is immune system? How is a
causative organism resisted by this system? b)State the conclusion that can be
drawn from the antigen-antibody interaction.
5. Why is photo-respiration said to
be a seemingly wasteful process?
How is this circumvented by
Sugarcane and Maize plants?
Why do these plants possess
higher productivity, water –use efficiency and N-use efficiency.
6. a) Outline the biosynthetic
pathway of any two of the essential amino acids.
b) How is the Urea cycle linked to
the TCA cycle?
c) “Plants can be grown on accelate
or other compounds that yield acetyl Co A”-How?
7. What are Cytokinins? Discuss their biosynthesis,
physiological role and mechanism of their action in plants
8. Briefly describe capping and
splicing of mRNA
9. Write short notes on :
a) Western blotting
c) Immuno –fluorescence
10. What are the basic principles of
electrophoresis? Discuss briefly the various electrophoretic methods applicable
in biochemical analysis.
Antisense RNA technology
BIO-CHEMISTRY (PLANT SCIENCE) previous questions
Immuno –fluorescence techniques
Western blotting