Microbiology MCQ : The Microbes | CUET PG Previous Questions and Answers
1. Which one of the following is an obligate anaerobe a. Halobacterium b.Thermus aquaticus c.Chlamydomonas nivalis d.Clostri…
1. Which one of the following is an obligate anaerobe a. Halobacterium b.Thermus aquaticus c.Chlamydomonas nivalis d.Clostri…
1.Pseudo elaters are found in a. Riccia b.Marchantia c.Anthoceros d.Sphagnum 2. Modified endodermal cells in the stem of se…
1. Which one of the following is known as the pacemaker of the heart? a.Sino-Atrial Node b.Ario-Ventricular Node c.Bundle of…
1.Nitromonas; a nitrifying bacteria is a a. Chemoheterotroph b.Chemoautotroph c.Photoorganoheterotroph d.Photolithoautotrop…
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